





Welcome to the Klanky the Robot website!


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Yeah, I've officially joined the 21st century -- You can follow me on Twitter!  Whenever I add content to the site, I'll send out a tweet (heaven knows, there's nothing in the world more important than what I have to say...)


Update: May 2010

Klanky has been on hiatus for a while so that we could get some important hurdles out of the way.  I'm still working on finishing up his first animated film, "Armed and Dangerous", which has turned out to be quite a technical challenge.  Check it out on our "Projects" page.

While the first project is still getting finished up, I have started work on a second short, "One Fine Sol".  Stay tuned for more information on this fun project.

Latest Updates

New character animation system!  September 12, 2006
Klanky awarded Trademark Status!  May 17, 2004
Expanded "Armed & Dangerous" Clip! Feb.19, 2004

Talking Klanky -- Added Feb. 5 2004

If you're a user of Autodesk's 3ds max animation software (and I hope you are), you'll enjoy our satellite site, max.klanky.com!  This site has my "Greeble" plug-in for 3ds max releases 3-2011 and I'll be posting additional plug-ins and other max-related items as time permits.

In the early 1980's, my computer graphics career began at an Atari computer magazine published in Massachusetts.  ANALOG Computing was a great place to work, and I thought it would be fun to share some information on the company and the people who worked there.  Visit our satellite site, analog.klanky.com to find out more!

It's a well-known fact that robots love orchids.  Check out Klanky's satellite site, orchids.klanky.com, to see what the ol' Klankster's got blooming right now!  Also, there's information on growing these incredible plants!

Klanky's human friend, Tom, likes to play chess, so we now have a satellite site devoted to this great game.  Check it out!  Visit chess.klanky.com!

Klanky the Robot® TM & Copyright 1975-2007 Tom Hudson